Creativity is the form of self-expression. Children like to express them self and it brings satisfying and fulfilling to them.
Imagination is the ability of mind to be creative or resourceful. It is where creativity, ingenuity, and thinking outside the box begin for a child development.
Social development.
When a child engages in pretend play he or she actively experimenting with the social roles of life.
Playing with action also helps build self-esteem as any child can be a hero just by pretending.
Children will learn conversation which they enact by talking to their dolls and toy action figures and imaging responses.
Language development-
A child can improve her or his vocabulary and experiment freely with words in their own space and time, without the risk of embarrassment if they use the words incorrectly.
By pretend playing with others a child begin to understand that words give them the power to re-enact a story and to organize play.
Emotional development-
Making a range of equipment and materials accessible for your child means that creative expression becomes normal.
Children can get together to make and create.
It allows your child to express both positive and negative feelings.
It also helps him or her to work through difficult emotions and understand them.
Physical development-
Painting, drawing, cutting and pasting help to develop fine motor skills in young children, it helps them to be writing ready as they near school age.
A child expresses himself or herself both verbally and non-verbally through imaginative play.
They use all their muscles and sense to achieve this.
Intellectual development or thinking skills-
In- pretend play a child face a variety of problem to solve.
Whether its two children who wants to play same role or they have to look for appropriate material to use they will use thinking skills.
Imaginative play fosters mental growth by creating opportunities for trying out new ideas, new way of thinking and problem solving.
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